Prayer: It Works
Prayer: It Works
It has been well said that “almost the only scoffers at prayer are those who never tried it enough.”

Having grown up in a Christian household, I still felt somewhat foolish when I first tried really praying. I mean praying something more than just reciting the Lord’s prayer. I knew there was a Higher Power, God, working in my life (how else was I staying sober?) But I certainly wasn’t convinced that He wanted to hear my prayers. People who had what I wanted said prayer was an important part of practicing the Celebrate Recovery program, so I persevered. With a commitment to daily prayer, I was amazed to find myself becoming more serene and comfortable with my place in the world. In other words, life became easier and less of a struggle. I’m still not sure why God listens to my prayers, but now I would never stop saying them for the simple reason that they work.